John says he has Writer's Block at the moment, and asked ME, Maggie, to think of something to post.
Hmmmmm.. 'seems I can think of only one thing. A one-track mind you might say. Oh well.
Hey, if John wants me to get creative maybe he should think about including ME in the name of this stupid, maybe "johgie's world?"
I'm gonna just take a nap. Sorry Jessica...
OH my God! Very cute! Very creative!
Cute! I actually did get to take a nap today... for 5 hours. I suspect I might be up all night now, though :)
Woof-woof, rrr-woof.
My dog's not as literate as yours...
Hey...maybe I'll have Lucy write a post..oh wait she doesn't know how to type..never mind! Happy birthday Maggie! 77! Wow! you passed your dad up!
Hey..this is Lucy...
I don't know why Mom says I can't type....
Hey maggie, where can I get some of that beef soup?
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